
How To Host Telegram Bot on Scaleway

How To Host Telegram Bot on Scaleway

Lets create a Scaleway Account first!


Enter required details and signup with Scaleway !

Card verification is required for signup! You’ll be charged some amount for verification and the same will be refunded within few hours. So don’t worry.

Making an instance in Scaleway

Choose appropriate plan!

Creating a SSH

Download PuTTY:

*Create a new SSH Public key and copy paste it in Instance config page. *Save it as our Private key. *Create instance.

Connecting to the instance!

  • Connecting to instance with our SSH key

      hostname : root@ipaddress
  • You’ll be logged in as a root user!

  • Create a new user with sudo privileges ( cause it’s better that way)

      sudo adduser  <newusername>
      sudo usermod -aG  sudo  <newusername>
      su - <newusername>
  • Now whenever you login to your instance, change to your user by;

      su - <newusername>

Some required commands,

     sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

NOTE : Use Enter key to run your commands. Use right click to paste your copied command into terminal.

Setting up your repository

Configure Marie Bot Repo;

Clone the source code of Marie

Source code :

Create file from

  • Bot Token: from Bot Father
  • Owner ID: from Rose ( /id )
  • Owner username: Any name
  • Database URL: Install Postgres server in our Instance and get

Install and setup a Postgres Server

Connect to your instance, then run; sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Give sudo permission to user sudo usermod -aG sudo postgres

Set a new password sudo passwd postgres Password will be invisible, don’t worry!

Login to Postgres su - postgres

Create new user for psql createuser –interactive –pwprompt

  • enter a name for user
  • enter a password for user
  • give superuser power

You can give any name and password!!

Create a database and assign user createdb -O ;

Allow remote access nano /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf

Uncomment, and change the value;

listen_addresses = ‘localhost’ to listen_addresses = ‘*’

This will allow Postgres connections from anyone. USE ctrl + o and press enter to save the file and ctrl + x to exit the editor

Allow Connections from everyone nano /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf

Modify this section;

  • IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5


  • IPv4 local connections:

host all all md5

this will allow anyone to connect to your db using the username and password! USE ctrl + o and press enter to save the file and ctrl + x to exit the editor

Allow port 5432 sudo ufw allow 5432/tcp

Restart postgres to apply changes sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Now, your DB Uri will be; postgres://username:pw@hostname:port/dbname

Hosting Marie repo

Connect to your instance using putty

connect again using putty or;

press ctrl + a + d to go back to your user from our current screen

Using screens is a better way to run your programs. screen -S marie

This will open a new screen inside our main terminal.

Clone your source code to your instance

    git clone <your_repo_url>

Enter your Github username and password and hit enter!

Change your current directory

    cd <reponame>

Install required dependencies. sudo apt install python3-pip pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start your BOT ! python3 -m tg_bot

Your BOT is ready to use :) now your bot is ready with nearly unlimited filters…. :) thank you

Some Usefull commands;

To detach from current screen Ctrl + a + d ( hold Ctrl and press a and d sequentially )

To see all active screens screen -ls

To attach to a screen screen -r number

To detach from a screen screen -d number

To logout from terminal with BOT running in screen Ctrl + a + d

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