
How To Make mdisk Search Telegram Bot - Telegram Bots

How To Make mdisk Search Telegram Bot - Telegram Bots

How to Create own Mdisk Search Telegram bot with details explaination.

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  • Auto Filter URL from Your Databases Channel
  • Manual Filter
  • Admin Commands
  • Broadcast
  • Auto Index with the help of pre defined Variable - CHANNEL_ID
  • Inline Search
  • ids and User info
  • Stats, Users, Chats, Ban, Unban, Leave, Disable, Channel
  • Spelling Check Feature
  • File Store
  • Supports Every URL, mdisk, mega links, shorten links, dive links etc…
  • And many more features

Required Variables

  • API_ID: If you are new user then Get this value from else get it from @TgApiextractorBot.
  • API_HASH: If you are new user then Get this value from else get it from @TgApiextractorBot
  • BOT_OWNER: Bot Admin ID. Get it from @MissRoseBOT
  • BOT_TOKEN: Get this from @BotFather
  • BOT_USERNAME: Your Bot Username which you sent to @BotFather (Without [@])
  • CHANNEL_ID: Channel ID for Searching Messages.( same as Database Channel of LazyPrincessBOT ).
  • DATABASE_URL : MongoDB Database URI for Saving UserID for hunting or Broadcasting..
  • UPDATES_CHANNEL: ID of a Channel which you want to do Force Sub to use the bot.
  • USER_SESSION_STRING: Get this from @SessionStringGeneratorZBot
  • Check app.json for more


You can deploy this bot anywhere.

Deploy To Koyeb

gunicorn app:app & python3

Link :

Deploy in VPS

  • git clone

    Install Packages

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit with variables as given below then run bot
  • python3

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