
How To Make Telegram File Link Share Bot - Telegram Bots

How To Make Telegram File Link Share Bot - Telegram Bots

Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links. I Guess This Will Be Usefull For Many People…..😇.

If you need any more modes in repo or If you find out any bugs, mention in @codexbotzsupport

Make sure to see for instructions on contributing to the project!


  • Fully customisable.
  • Customisable welcome & Forcesub messages.
  • More than one Posts in One Link.
  • Can be deployed on heroku directly.


  • Add the bot to Database Channel with all permission
  • Add bot to ForceSub channel as Admin with Invite Users via Link Permission if you enabled ForceSub

Deploy in your VPS

  • git clone
  • cd File-Sharing-Bot
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Create appropriately
  • python3 main.

Admin Commands

  • /start - start the bot or get posts
  • /batch - create link for more than one posts
  • /genlink - create link for one post
  • /users - view bot statistics
  • /broadcast - broadcast any messages to bot users
  • /stats - checking your bot uptime


  • API_HASH Your API Hash from
  • APP_ID Your API ID from
  • TG_BOT_TOKEN Your bot token from @BotFather
  • OWNER_ID Must enter Your Telegram Id
  • CHANNEL_ID Your Channel ID eg:- -100xxxxxxxx
  • DATABASE_URL Your mongo db url
  • DATABASE_NAME Your mongo db session name
  • ADMINS Optional: A space separated list of user_ids of Admins, they can only create links
  • START_MESSAGE Optional: start message of bot, use HTML and fillings
  • FORCE_SUB_MESSAGEOptional:Force sub message of bot, use HTML and Fillings
  • FORCE_SUB_CHANNEL Optional: ForceSub Channel ID, leave 0 if you want disable force sub
  • PROTECT_CONTENT Optional: True if you need to prevent files from forwarding

Extra Variables

  • CUSTOM_CAPTION put your Custom caption text if you want Setup Custom Caption, you can use HTML and fillings for formatting (only for documents)
  • DISABLE_CHANNEL_BUTTON Put True to Disable Channel Share Button, Default if False
  • BOT_STATS_TEXT put your custom text for stats command, use HTML and fillings
  • USER_REPLY_TEXT put your text to show when user sends any message, use HTML


START_MESSAGE | FORCE_SUB_MESSAGE {first} - User first name {last} - User last name {id} - User ID {mention} - Mention the user {username} - Username CUSTOM_CAPTION {filename} - file name of the Document {previouscaption} - Original Caption CUSTOM_STATS {uptime} - Bot Uptime

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